Greatest combo of all time... sandwich and fries.
Tackle Box (Seafood)
As a proud Midwesterner, I once considered everything north of Virginia and east of Ohio to be "New England." Other than the major cities, this was the land of yachting (on the coasts) or polo fields (inland). In my mind, the population sustained on champagne, lobster, and steaks (expensive steaks). One New England delicacy I had only heard of before moving East was the famed lobster roll. In the Midwest, we would have simply called it a "lobster salad sandwich." But what do we know?
- Tackle Box is the sort of fast food restaurant DC loves to offer. I imagine the owners secured their business loan by saying "Do you like Captain D's? Imagine a Captain D's where every meal costs $25!"
- The place offers essentially two choices: fried fish and lobster rolls. Both are pretty decent options, but, much like the NBC Thursday night comedy block, they rarely transcend from really good to great. Still, it's hard to complain about really good.
- The major downside of Tackle Box? It's in the heart of Georgetown, so chances are the people seated to your left and to your right are annoying.