The fake vintage settings on my camera phone seemed appropriate for the night.
As a newcomer to the District, it's weird to think that some of our favorite haunts are located in what were some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America about 20 years ago. One perfect example is Trusty's Full-Serve Bar. It's located in South East (next door to an urban sports clothier) in a neighborhood quickly being swallowed up by the Capitol Hill set. The bar has a mechanic shop theme, with a new upstairs patio featuring a school bus facade and seats. It's a very cool bar that varies between longtime SE residents and more alternative young professionals. They also have a bunch of board games.
The highlight of the night was drinking a few cans of National Bohemian for the first time. Nati Bo was originally brewed in Baltimore and was featured heavily in the Wire (a huge hit with both longtime SE residents and more alternative young professionals). At first I drank it out of curiosity, but by the end of the end I actually preferred the Bo to PBR (a rare occurrence).

Tom and Tani settling up the bill.

I find myself playing a ton of Jenga recently. It might be the best barroom game of all time. This is the "Warhol" setting on my camera. It looks way cooler after a few Nati Bos.

Kathryn and Tani at the DC United game before heading to Trusty's. The bar is one of the few located just a short walk from RFK stadium.
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