Enjoying the scenery and sunshine after the race.
This Saturday we ran our first 10K race at Fort Washington National Park. The race was organized by the Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church. The morning started out quite chilly, but after we started moving, the weather felt perfect. All of the racers and organizers were exceptionally friendly, and we had a great time.
We all knew it was bound to happen, but Kathryn was the first to cross the finish line in our house! The other exciting part was that we both won medals in our age groups. Kathryn was the third place finisher for women age 30-39 (I know that looks weird right?), and I was the second place finisher for men age 20-29!!!! It was a really small race and there were only two men age 20-29 in the race, but that still counts right? I say it does.
Getting ready to cross the finish line (at least four minutes behind Kathryn).
Kathryn reluctantly modeling the hardware!
After the awards ceremony, there was a fish fry.
We stopped at the National Harbor on the way home. I had been dying to check out this statue, The Awakening.
We didn't really dress for the weather, and the wind at the harbor was killing us.
At this point, my legs had had enough.
Update: Photos from the race organizers.

Picking up our race packets (in the dark because we're hardcore!)

The drill Sargent getting everyone loosened up. You can probably spot us in the very back, especially my giant, bald head.

At the starting line toward the back of the pack (we're next to the girl on the bike)

Awards ceremony, notice how impressed everyone is.
Next year, Kathryn is going to get that trophy.
That's some pretty sharp running gear.